NMR Indie Playlist
Album of the Week: 'Monalia'- 'So Much Better'
Eli Gauden - 'Another Day' (single)
Introducing... 'MAID' with acoustic version of 'Basic Bitch'
'Vetle Forsell' - 'Strange Clouds' (single)
Camilo Beltran - 'Da' (single)
'Einar Stray Orchestra' - 'Hot Salted Wind' (single)
'Benedikt' - new single 'Paper Mache'
'Introducing... 'Frydstads Markiser' with track 'Skinny Kids'
'Moron Police' - new single 'The Phantom Below'
St. Bennett's - with new single 'Avery'
'Beezewax' - 'Two Diamonds' (single)
'You Could Be A Cop' - ' Against the Bleeding Skyline' (single)
'Vilnes' - 'Play With Me' (single)
Album of the Week: 'Pom Poko' - 'Birthday'
Introducing... 'St. Bennetts' -'Oh Sweet Devil' (single)
'Moddi' -new single 'Little by Little'
Simen Mitlid - new single 'Tell Me Everything'
Album of the Week: 'The Wit' - 'A Whole Article. A Life'
'Highasakite' - 'Uranium Heart' (album)
Album of the Week: 'Pelicat' - Pelicat' (album)