Contact Us...!
Our preferred method for submissions is via the excellent music platform SubmitHub. However if we're showing as inactive on there it's probably because things are getting busy or stressful, so we don't mind if you email us, take a read of the further info below if you need to.
Please also have a look at SubmitHub if you haven't come across it before, because aside from us there's some amazing music websites and blogs that might be interested in your music....:
Alternatively for any question you may have, or info you’d like to share about new artists or bands, please reach us on the contact form, or again try emailing us:
If you are sending music direct to us then the address is Nordicmusicreview@gmail.com, and here's some guidance below you might, or might not find useful.
1) THANK YOU! Please keep sending stuff through to us and thank you so much for every mail, really.
2) You don't have to send much, just a bit of info on what you're releasing, with a link to Soundcloud / Spotify / Bandcamp, plus a Facebook page or something so we can have a look at what you've been up to. Formal Press Releases with everything on them are great but not always essential. Always include the Release Date details so we know what we're working to.
3) We do prioritise Albums releases, then EP's whilst good singles generally get added to our Indie Playlist. If your mail is about a release weeks in advance we'll probably use the snooze button on the email to remind us on release date.
4) We do listen to everything, but please accept our apologies if we don't get back to you, we simply don't have the capacity to feature everything, and hope you understand. I can't emphasise how bad that makes us feel, because I know how passionately you all care about your music, but the reality is we're a part time music website and we have jobs, families, and some really terrible football teams to support at weekends. Really terrible.
5) Just to state the obvious, we really are a Nordic Music site, and would prefer not to have submissions on non Nordic music.
6) Thanks for reading! Please send us your music!