We wrote about Teodor Holmqvist in February in relation to his track 'Lend me a Hand', and we're delighted to follow that up with a write up on his new single 'Stand Up Tall'. For those of you who don't remember he's a folk influenced singer songwriter from the beautiful Swedish town of 'Umeå', and he debuted last year with an EP entitled 'Time Says So', which is well worth checking out if you have the chance.
His new EP is now out and it's entitled 'Wandering Tracks', really appropriate given the songs have a feeling that they're written in a traditional style, as if he could easily be a wandering musician passing from town to town writing stories of his travels. The opening track from the EP is 'Stand Up Tall', and I like this for the convincing and thoughtful lyrics as much as anything, but as always Teodor Holmqvist delivers it all in such a lovely effortless and understated manner - his voice is perfect for the style of music.
This is 'Stand Up Tall':
So I really hope you'll all have chance to take a listen to 'Wandering Tracks', close the windows and doors, turn it up loud and let the music take over the house, you will get totally lost in both the words and music - assuming you like your folk influenced sounds that is. It also contains 'Lend me a Hand' which we featured previously, as well as lovely tracks such as 'Clouds of Coal' and the title track 'Wandering Tracks'.