I don’t think I’ve covered any Finnish post rock bands recently, probably not since I last wrote about Ghosts on TV. And it was actually the latter band who pointed me in the direction of instrumental 5 piece Ptrov, who hail from Helsinki and have just released new single ‘Kelluva maailma’, the title track from their new album, due to be released next week. They’re an interesting outfit, blending a fusion of styles into their music, including jazz and progressive rock, and actually I wasn’t too sure about the opening of ‘Kelluva maailma’ when I first heard it, with retro synths offering the 1st musical theme. But as with any post rock track, the key is in the development, and once the guitars enter the fray the song soon builds in intensity, with a big musical climax some 8 minutes in, before heading off in a reflective and slightly wistful psychedelic direction which I really like. Composer Juha Peltonen describes the new album as ‘representing how I imagine Ptrov’s music would look if it could take visual form’, which is either very powerful or utterly meaningless, depending on your perspective. But anyway at over 11 minutes this track certainly does appeal to me, and I really look forward to the album.
They’ll also be playing alongside Ghosts on TV on Saturday 29th March in Tampere, which as a man once said, will be ‘all spectacular’.
Social Links: Facebook
Release Date: 28th February
Label. Independent.